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Introduction Cancer therapy has evolved throughout the
Introduction Cancer therapy has evolved throughout the decades and is beginning to branch off into new and exciting fields including immunotherapy. The hope of this new field stems from the lack of success of chemotherapy in general. Chemotherapy\'s cytotoxic characteristics were regarded as one of
The clinical presentation of patients with CIED pocket infec
The clinical presentation of patients with CIED pocket infection and those with endovascular infection can vary, but once the diagnosis is made, the management is similar and involves removal of all hardware along with antibiotic therapy [2,7,8,15]. Conservative managements with ppar pathway therap
Introduction Atrial fibrillation AF is a common cardiac arrh
Introduction Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common cardiac arrhythmia that becomes more prevalent with age [1] and is associated with an increased long-term risk of stroke, mdm2 inhibitor failure, and all-cause mortality [2]. Since Einthoven recorded the electrograms in 1906 [3], AF has widely been
br X Desde esa exigencia
X. Desde esa exigencia de una correcta hermeneusis receptora, la mecánica expositiva del misterio procederá, sin embargo, complicando esa primera alegoría que ya es el sacramento en sí y levantando, pdgfr inhibitor partir de la transposición o metáfora que diseña (Cristo como pan, Cristo como vin
protease inhibitor cocktail Desde las organizaciones sociale
Desde las organizaciones sociales y poblaciones movilizadas, estas protestas marcan el inicio de un nuevo periodo de distanciamiento frente protease inhibitor cocktail los actores político-institucionales, en particular el Partido Nacionalista que logró aglutinar electoralmente sus críticas y expect
En los ltimos a os
En los últimos años se han multiplicado los procesos de resistencia Anti-cancer Compound Library proyectos mineros, de represas y de infraestructura que despojan de tierras o que tienen impactos ambientales severos. El surgimiento de nuevas coordinaciones intercomunitarias, como la Alianza Territori
br Acknowledgements br Introduction The chronic
Acknowledgements Introduction The chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) comprise a group of clonal stem cell disorders with a high prevalence of the JAK2 V617F mutation (JAK2+) causing excessive production of mature blood cells. Transformation to acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is seen in 2–
br Role of the funding
Role of the funding source Introduction Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are stem-cell-derived disorders that cause overproduction of one or more of the formed elements of the blood. MPNs include chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and the Philadelphia-negative MPNs: polycythemia vera (PV),
br is a bacterial infection causing necrotising lesions of s
is a bacterial infection causing necrotising lesions of skin and subcutaneous tissue. Widely known as Buruli ulcer, it is classified as a neglected tropical disease by WHO. If diagnosed and treated early, outcomes are good, but if left untreated it can progress to a severe disease resulting in hig
In the past two decades several studies have consistently fo
In the past two decades, several studies have consistently found that up to one-sixth of cancers worldwide are attributable to infectious pathogens. Cancers caused by infectious agents present unique opportunities for prevention and treatment; therefore, a detailed understanding of how infections co
Ante la falta de un ambiente
Ante la falta de un ambiente estimulante para la producción de un pensamiento crítico y una conciencia social, Pablo Molinet (1975) escribe: “Quizá nuestra época nos dejó hablando solos” (93). No es de extrañar: luego de 1968, las concentraciones de jóvenes fueron vistas como un peligro y se dispuso
Assim como em rela o a Cuba os editores
Assim como em relação sodium channel Cuba, os editores da revista Araucaria de Chile retomaram personagens históricos de modo a compor as representações sobre a Nicarágua revolucionária. Novamente, um poema do comunista Pablo Neruda foi publicado postumamente na revista, desta vez feito em homenagem
The number of residents in London
The number of residents in London who were originally from the 21 endemic countries in Central and South America was calculated from the 2011 UK National Census and was stratified by borough. We did not include undocumented migrants and individuals born to mothers from endemic Latin American countri
br Discussion Appendicitis is seen in the general population
Discussion Appendicitis is seen in the general population with a lifetime cumulative incidence rate of 9% [7]. Our calculated incidence rate of appendicitis in the setting of acute leukemia (1.9%) correlates with the reported incidence of 0.5–4.4% [1]. Leukemic involvement of the gastrointestinal
vegf tyrosine kinase inhibitor br Discussion There is an imp
Discussion There is an important need for new treatment options for AML in elderly patients. Their frailty imposes limitations upon the aggressiveness of the treatment which can be administered [6,24]. In addition, the poor prognostic disease features often seen in this vegf tyrosine kinase inhib
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