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br Material and methods br Results
Material and methods Results Thirty-one patients were enrolled consecutively, in this randomized study, between January 2010 and March 2012. The mean age was 65.5±13.7 years. The proportion of patients with primary prevention indication was 25.8% and ischemic cardiomyopathy was 29.0%. All repo
La ignorancia que evidencia Xa
La ignorancia que evidencia Xa. América poética respecto de los literatos mexicanos corrobora la falta de proximidad entre zonas tan distantes del orbe hispanoamericano. Al mismo tiempo comprueba el vacío biográfico que en este punto muestran las revistas mexicanas o, más exactamente, El Recreo de l
HIV counselling and testing is
HIV counselling and testing is the essential first step to accessing HIV care services and is also recognised as an HIV prevention strategy because knowledge of HIV status reduces risky sexual behaviours. A reduction in the number of sexual partners has been reported, but not a significant increase
histone demethylase The greater relative importance of indir
The greater relative importance of indirect causes could be a result of successful addressing of direct complications of pregnancy and childbirth, and of a change in risk factors and disease patterns. Indirect causes of death include the effects of pre-existing disorders, such as HIV infection, ment
Entretanto quando as elei es
Entretanto, quando as eleições presidenciais se aproximaram em 1990 o país vivia um momento bastante diferente, marcado não somente pelos agudos problemas econômicos já descritos, mas também pelo incremento da ação militar urbana de Sendero Luminoso, uma vez que ion channels partir de 1989 sua lider
Because of the high amplitude of atrial signals atrial sensi
Because of the high amplitude of atrial signals, atrial sensitivity was decreased from 0.5mV to 0.7mV to 1.0mV. As the sensitivity decreased, atrial sensing was restored gradually. With the sensitivity of 1.0mV, normal atrial sensing with mode switching was restored completely. The sensitivity was p
Aggressive osteoblastoma is characterized by epithelioid ost
Aggressive osteoblastoma is characterized by epithelioid osteoblasts that are, two to three times larger than conventional osteoblasts, and have abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, large vesicular eccentric round to oval nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Usually there are rare or absence of mitoses and i
br Conflict of interest br Authors contributions
Conflict of interest Authors’ contributions Acknowledgements Introduction Aromatase-Inhibitors (AIs) are commonly used in the treatment of post-menopausal women with a history of hormone receptor-positive breast carcinoma, and have been shown to decrease bone mineral density (BMD) and in
br Conflict of interest br
Conflict of interest Introduction Patients with structural heart disease have an increased risk of sudden cardiac death, secondary to ventricular tachyarrhythmias in most cases. Implantable cardioverter–defibrillators (ICDs) are the treatment of choice. However, ventricular tachyarrhythmias ca
Funding secured by Not applicable Data
Funding secured by: Not applicable. Data collection: Sheldon M. Singh, MD, Ramanan Kumareswaran, MD. Conflict of interest Acknowledgments Introduction Early repolarization pattern (ERP) is characterized by an elevation greater than 0.1mV of the junction between the end of the QRS complex
br Material and methods br Results br Discussion
Material and methods Results Discussion The present study found that the plasma BNP level was higher in patients with LAA thrombus than in those without LAA thrombus. Additionally, the BNP level was negatively associated with peak LAA velocity evaluated using TEE and positively associated w
More recently Brugada et al used
More recently, Brugada et al. [131]. used flecainide to identify the full extent of low-voltage electrogram activity in the anterior RV and RVOT and targeted this region for RFA. In all 14 BrS patients, RFA eliminated abnormal bipolar electrograms, normalized ST-segment elevation on right precordial
There is a scarcity of rigorous
There is a scarcity of rigorous and reliable information about the occurrence, operation, and outcomes of immigration detention worldwide. New initiatives are needed to increase transparency and accountability and to build an evidence lxr agonist for detention policy and practice. More comprehensiv
The Millennium Development Goals MDGs have become key
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have become key targets for the international interleukin 1 receptor antagonist over the past 15 years. The MDGs have raised awareness, focused global efforts on agreed priorities, and empowered so-called development champions at country level. This progress w
Target of emotional drivers of preventive and treatment
Target of emotional drivers of preventive and treatment behaviours is a promising avenue for increasing the effectiveness of behaviour change interventions. More research is needed on how to best operationalise interventions based on emotional drivers in routine programmatic settings, how to measur
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